Monday, February 11, 2008

Love/Hate, San Fran, Turtles and Pencils

Lately, I’ve been answering questions with this response, “Oh that…yeah it’s a very love/hate relationship.” I cant tell you how many times I’ve used this phrase to describe everything from actual relationships to the way I feel about a pair of jeans or carbohydrates. I feel it covers the bases and but doesn’t give away too much. It also avoids having to go in further detail with someone because every person with a half a brain should understand the concept of a love/hate relationship. And depending on which term you put more emphasis on, the topic in question can be dropped quicker than you can say Cletus the Fetus or Bobby’s Horny Toad.

So, yeah, love/hate relationships. What do you have a love/hate relationship with?

My roommate just got back from San Francisco. While her butt was on the beach, mine was turning blue in the negative degree wind chill we’ve had lately. I haven’t spoken to her yet, but I’m sure her trip was filled with danger, intrigue, and passion. That and drag queens. Although, I’m told San Francisco is not the gay paradise I had heard it was.

Work today is slow. Slower than a herd of turtles in a sea of peanut butter. I’d like to see someone draw that for me. And then put it on a t-shirt that I could wear all the time.

Funemployment has been put on hold for another 2 or 3 weeks. The girl who was going to take my job decided to follow her heart instead giving me 2 to 3 more weeks of steady work. Which is great because I still have 2 more boxes of pencils to sharpen.

1 comment:

Joe White said...

San Francisco was awesome. Enjoy the pencils.