Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Things Worth Doing

Lately I've been wondering if my actions are just mindless activities that serve no greater purpose. These thoughts come to me while I'm sharpening pencils or putting together binders for a class. These inane actions are simply that. Inane. And it made me wonder what things are indeed, worth doing. And not just doing, but doing well. I'm about to embark on a very interesting journey and I've made a very important decision regarding my future but I'm afraid of doing it and I'm not sure I have the gumption to do it well. But while I sort out my thoughts on that, here's a list of things I've decided are worth doing. And things that I'm determined to start doing well.

1.) Praying-sounds cheesy but its true.
2.) Visiting friends-I suppose my cycle of funemployment will allow me to do this...Ann Arbor, D.C., Texas and NY are on the list.
3.) Writing-enough said.
4.) Eating healthy-this is easier said than done but its about time I start.
5.) Work-this is a challenging one especially when I find myself in a job that requires me to use only half my brain. But the thing is, no matter how stupid or boring the work is, I sell myself short if I dont do it the best of my ability. So, the pencils will be the sharpest pencils you've ever seen and those binders will shine and that coffee will taste as if the little Colombian man himself showed up at your window with his donkey and a steaming hot cup of joe.


Joe White said...

yeah, working hard is so good. Too bad I straight up suck at it.

The TV Girl said...

Wish I had one tenth of your determination. Maybe you can stab someone with one of those really sharp pencils.

mags said...

Yeah. I'd prolly stab them in the eye.