Thursday, February 07, 2008

In which I vent

So I mentioned how I my current employers have decided not to take me But whatever, you move on. Here's the thing...if I think about it really hard, ponder all my choices, my supervisor is right. She is doing me a grand favor. A little backstory here: before my most recent bout of funemployment, I had a great job working for a PR/Marketing company. I was dabbling in international relations with trade media and communicating almost daily with reps in China. It paid well, my bosses were cool, my co-workers tolerable and everything was the big fat American dream. Until I realized that the content of the work was not really where my heart lay and the company and I made a mutual decision that this is not what I wanted. I was determined to jump back into the production/casting world so funemployment session one began. It lasted longer than I thought and when this job came along I jumped at the opportunity. I thought it would be a good stepping stone to get back into the world of production and make some nice contacts along the way.

Unfortunately, this has not been the case. I went from communicating with Asia to sharpening pencils and making coffee. I make minimum wage. My bosses (the spouses) treat me like a dim witted blonde. So far today, I've spent more time making coffee and sending flowers for them...its not a receptionist, its an effin personal assistant. I add minutes to their phone bill, I send their relatives flowers on their birthday. Soon, I will making their kids science projects and filling in at parent teacher conferences. Some of you might shake your head and say, "Oh Asiankp, what did you expect? You are a receptionist at a "family" business, of course you are going to end up doing that kind of stuff." And to that I say, I was wholly unprepared for this. Everyday I leave work feeling a little bit stupider. And a little more angry. Half the time, they dont communicate with me and then chastise me for not getting things done. Everytime someone calls for my boss, I tell him who it is, he gives me a look like he has never ever heard of that person before and says, "WHO??" I repeat the name the exact same way and again, a blank stare. I finally raise my voice and say the name twice in a row real fast and a glimpse of recognition crosses his face. "Okay, thank you." Mind you, the person who is calling has just called about 5 minutes ago. Yet somehow, I end up feeling like the incompetent jerk who doesnt enunciate. And that my friends, is just not worth it.

Good riddance.

1 comment:

mags said...

Yeah, that really bites. Get out. Get out, get out, get out. At least you're not up all night wiping butts, right? (I say it that way, but I actually kinda like my job. Not the butt wiping part... argh. nevermind.)

Anyways, now that you have all this new experience, Wanna do my science projects for me when you're funemployed again?