Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Its Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas

I know...wrong season. We should be thinking about Easter and not Christmas, but seriously, with all the snow we are getting, how can I not think about Christmas. It has been snowing non stop since 6am this morning and all I can think about is those lucky bastards who got snow days today or will get one tomorrow. Sometimes, it pays to work far away from home.
Anyway, I have a sinking feeling that I"m becoming lame. My blog posts are lacking and even when I spiced it up with a guest blogger (who was fantastic), the comments did not come. I have a suspicion that people read the blog and dont comment and thats all well and good but it does nothing to stroke my ego.

On to other things...I will not be continuing on at my current job. There was talk of taking me on permanently when I started and that is now FUBAR. Part of me is disappointed but part of me should be thanking them. It was a dead end job with no prospects and honestly, the owners drove me crazy. To anyone out there looking for a job, DO NOT and I repeat, DO NOT EVER WORK FOR SPOUSES. EVER EVER EVER. Too bad everyone else was hilarious and super cool. I dont know how they stand it. Anyway, I'm looking forward to bigger and better things. Besides I wouldnt be Asiankp if I didnt have another bout of funemployment coming up.


The TV Girl said...

Thats terrific, now we can be unemployed together. Well, you will probably have another job by August.

Kay Pea said...

yeah, that is generally my MO. work 3 or 4 months, unemployed 1 or 2. It's a vicious cycle.

Invisible Lurker said...

I think February is just a slow month for blogs.