Saturday, December 22, 2007

OH yeah in OH

Its 60 degrees and gorgeous in Ohio today. I'm on hour 22 of this whirlwind trip but let me tell you, it's been amazing. I'd like to insert my favorite cliche here to describe the experience: Good food, good family and good fun. My little cousin is currently infatuated with all things Pirates so we just played Pirates of the Caribbean in the backyard and before he does anything he asks, "Do pirates eat sausage?" or "Do pirates take naps?" or my favorite, "Do pirates have Christmas?" He's so cool. He has also taken to reciting lines from the Pirate movies so he'll stand up on a chair and shout at the top of his lungs, "DO WE HAVE AN ACCORD MEN??" Its so refreshing and genuinely sweet to see kids be so excited about something. When was the last time we were so excited about something that we breathed, ate and slept it? I can only speak for myself when I say that time has come and gone. And I miss it.


mags said...

I'm like that about old people lately. It's like a nightmare where you don't wake up and everyone around you is dying...

Joe White said...

Good friends, good food, thank you.

That was ours when I was five, at school. Ok, fine, I still say it.