Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wedding Bound...

Tonight I'm leaving for yet another wedding. This will be wedding #4 for the year and probably the last wedding for the 07 season. Am I excited? Yes, there will be a few faces there that I havent seen in a while. Super excited? No, I am not super excited because a.) I actually have to do something, meaning a reading, which requires me to walk down an aisle, stand up in front of people and read some Scripture and with my track record, there is a 95% chance that I'll slip or falll or trip and b.) I'm not sure how many stories I can listen to about the 100 things your baby can do now. Cynical and bitter? Definitely. Why can't you just say no to weddings? Thats a great question and as soon as I'm able to say no to weddings then I can say no to smoking and no to free food and no to cream in my cofffee and no to extra free dessert and no to car rides instead of public transportation and no to free internet and no to veggie cream cheeze on my everything bagel. But then again, why would I want to do that?


Joe White said...

I hope you don't fall. But maybe just stumble real hard, enough for the front ten, twelve pews to notice.

mags said...

Say Hi to Matt and Katie for me.