Monday, October 22, 2007

Mission Accomplished

Upon reading Mags' post regarding the movie Breach and human lie detector skills, I thought that would be a fun way to share my wedding experience this weekend.
So, at this wedding I: (and note, only one of these is true)

a.) Did not trip at all.
b.) Hooked up with a gorgeous guy but then realized he was not so pretty in the morning and when I say hook up, I mean by UD standards "hook up."
c.) Dropped a baby on accident and didnt tell the was hardly long fall and there was carpet.
d.)Spilled some strawberry sloe gin fizz on the bride's beatiful dress...not noticeable to anyone else but me and didnt tell her.

Fine. All are true. Or are they?


crysOakleee said...

I vote for c.). And not only because it's my initial.

mags said...

I say all are true.. you terrible, terrible person... hence explaining why there are only 4 options.

I propose that you wrote the terrible, terrible true ones to trip us up first, and then you thought to yourself "Okay, so now WHAT should my lie be...?", realized your truths were preposterous enough and said "meh!"... All true.

Joe White said...

oh good, I'm so glad I wasn't the only one whoring it up UD style this weekend.