Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cover Letters

Do employers even read these? Do they really "make the difference?" I'm currently in the process of crafting a cover letter for a job that I am not entirely qualified for but I'm trying to sell them on the other positive things I have to offer while expressing my desire to learn and learn quickly. But honestly, when the shit hits the fan, do cover letters even make a hootenany difference. And yes, I just used the word hootenany.


crysOakleee said...

When are we going to find out what evil things you did on your wedding weekend? Did you drop a baby??

The last job I applied for (and didn't get), I sent in my resume with a cover letter (that was actually an email) consisting of the words: hi Patrick, here is my resume per our discussion. No wonder I didn't get it.

Regarding dream job #4: I heard an ad for Bella on the radio this morning and started crying.

Unknown said...

found your blog thru a comment you left on US women's soccer. Yes, I couldn't help being amused by your usage of hootenanny (I presume you meant the word with 2 "n's" ), as I recently learned the meaning and etymology of that word and associated TV shows. Are you going to the Chicago Fire playoff game tomorrow? Looking for someone to go with since my friend cancelled. Am an Asian female too, in NW suburbs.

Kay Pea said...

crystal--you need to get your emotions in check.

siren--i'm flattered you read the blog. unfortunately, i cant make the fire game because i have some playoff games of my own...thanks though. who do you think should be the next coach of the US WNT?