Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wednesday is Fun Day

Today is the day of our summer outing. Now this is funny on two levels: 1.) its not summer anymore and 2.) this was supposed to happen months ago. Okay, I guess its not that funny. What began as a fun Friday family picnic day in August morphed into a Friday afternoon at Great America which fizzled into what is now a mid-week afternoon bowling trip. So, as happy as I am to be getting out of the office at midday, part of me grieves that I will still have 2 more full days of work before the weekend and that I wasted the company dime blogging all morning. No wonder my work sitch is FUBAR.


Joe White said...

It could still be funny if someone gets his fingers caught in the bowling ball, and gets jerked off his feet, slides down the alley and nail a strike, which happens in more than 75% of shitty movies.

mags said...

Dude... it took you all morning for a couple posts? No te creo. I'm guessing it was more of a company two-cents, and everyone knows those are free anyways.

You're totally straight.