Wednesday, September 26, 2007

HOWEVER...I may have the answer to both of my problems

My lovable lump of a roommate has walked the walk and talked the talk and we will soon be connected to the world wide interweb from the comfort and privacy of our own home. Now, I will not have to waste company dime by blogging during the day, I can waste away precious hours of sleep trying to satiate you dear readers who crave my words of wit. or not. I can also have the pleasure and advantage to "work" from home making my job search much easier and I wont even have to shower. Benefits all around.

I'll be sure to make our internet a secure connection...can't have those little bastard college kids who moved in behind us mooching off our hard earned broadband.


mags said...

Where's the love in that?

I'm all for sharing such services... if I were you'd I'd approach them about it and get them to chip in at a discounted rate. Doesn't hurt you, totally helps them, and I get credit for the whole situation.

Win-win-win situation. Just like Michael said.

crysOakleee said...

Yes, I agree. That is a great plan. Did I mention that the wireless costs $50 a month? So, we split 50/50, they pay $25, we pay nothing AND we end up with an extra dollar every month. For more usury and shady business tips, apply to Crystal's MBA program for $500 a class. You'll surely be in for a scamful experience.