Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dating in the Digital World: Getting Your Mac on Via Mac

The title of my next book chronically the lives of 2 lovestruck Mac adolescents who find love through their webcams and a series of inappropriate emails and emoticons. A pageturner indeed or should I say, "a scroll down for more" hit.

1 comment:

mags said...

Yeah. I had a couple of those relationships.

In fact, my first "love" was an e-crush. we didn't do webcams, though. That's naughty. And it was throw-back to weird symbol combinatioins resembling faces, as "emoticons" didn't exist yet. Yeah. I'm old and un-hip.

Maybe if I get on utube and teach myself the "soulja boy" dance I'll be cool again... at least I'll have some fly moves to bust out at the club...