Monday, February 18, 2008

Mr. President

So today is President's Day. I'm not really sure what one does to properly celebrate President's Day...I think in grade school we used to eat cupcakes decorated with Lincoln and Washington's head. If I remember correctly, Abe was always in red and George was always in blue. Not sure what the significance is but its what I remember.
Anyway, last night I was at a bar with some friends and someone asked, "So whose is your favorite president of all time?" There were answers of Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Truman but when it was my turn, I said, "Without a doubt, Thomas J. Witmore." Blank stares all around. "Thomas J. Whitmore, Bill Pullman, Independence Day." No responses. Ice clinked in glasses. Finally someone sighed a whatever and the group left to have a smoke.

Okay, so my favorite president happens to be a fictional character from a movie. So what? The man was awesome. He was a good father, a loving husband, had incredible foreign policy and was a former fighter pilot. When his country comes under attack, he goes out to fight the good fight on the front lines and protect our country from a ruthless invasion. He inspires. He fights. He saves the country. He wins my vote. And he also delivers a speech that sometimes makes me tear up just thinking about. I even used clips of his speech for my sophmore year English project. However, I'm sad to report that my teacher did not share my enthusiasm for the speech saying it did not apply to the topic (which was inspirational poetry of the 19th century). Regardless, the man is, was and will always be my favorite president. A few other presidents that make the cut:

1.) President James Marshall (Harrison Ford) in "Air Force One"-now this guys inspires as well. And he could offer a crash course in dealing with terrorists. And when he yells, "GET OFF MY PLANE," it sends shivers of fear and excitement down my spine.

2.) President Tom Beck (Morgan Freeman) in "Deep Impact"-Natural Disaster strikes and President Beck must select specific people to hide out in the super underground caves and ultimately survive while the rest of the world dies. I dont think its any coincidence that Mr. Freeman has also played God twice. As a man faced with a grueling task, Beck handles it all with grace, sincerity and compassion. In the end when its clear the planet will not be wiped out by a giant meteorite, its great to see Beck standing atop the rubble that once was the White House and declaring that they can rebuild the country and tomorrow is ours. Visions of Obama anyone?

3.) President Robert Fowler (James Cromwell) in "The Sum of All Fears"-Let's be honest. James Cromwell is always a man who demands your attention while onscreen. There is something about his persona, his build and his voice that just exudes a strong confidence. While the rest of his cabinet freaks out about the impending doom of nuclear war, he earns major points for being able to keep a cool head and trust his instincts.

I'm sure there are others...some suggest Dave Kovich (Kevin Kline) in "Dave" but I'm over the whole lying and decieving America. Been there, done that, right Clinton?


crysOakleee said...

Oh my goodness, I cannot believe how shallow you are. Like, so shallow.

mags said...

I just can't believe how many movies you remember and to what detail...

Reality's fun, too?