Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sometimes my job makes me feel 5 years old

I mean, the work is definitely not the work of the five year old. For example, today I spent the entire morning, afternoon and late afternoon on the phone setting up auditions. I even got chewed out by a dyslexic man. It was not my fault and for the record, I sympathized with him.

However, when my boss calls me Pumpkin, Sweetie Pie, Hunny Bunny and other "pet names," I often feel as though I'm back in kindergarten and Mrs. Loomis is telling me not to turn the class plants upside down and to finish my math facts so I can outside for recess.

But then again, its kinda funny and endearing. I mean, how often in the workplace do you hear the term Hunny Bunny multiple times and what are the odds that its directed at you?

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