Monday, January 07, 2008

A Moment of Dumas

Do you remember that scene in the Shawshank Redemption when Red and his fellow prisoners are sorting through books to put into the newly furnished library? Well, its a great movie so shame on you if you havent seen it. Anyway, Heywood, a fellow prisoner, picks up the Count of Monte Cristo written by Alexandre Dumas and says, "Whose this fellow? This Alexandry Dum-Ass..." Anyway, it always makes me chuckle because a.) It happens to be one of my favorite books and b.) I have definitely heard people with way more education than old Heywood prounounce it the exact same way.

Well, I had a moment of Dumas last night when I burned myself on the eye with my cigarette. Here's the thing, I hadn't had anything to drink, I wasnt driving and there was absolutely no reason in the world that I needed to raise my hand at that moment. It was, purely and simply, a moment of Dumas.

If you look closely right above the iris, you can see a burn shaped like the tip of the finger. Or something like that. Also, please ignore my unplucked eyebrow. Sick.


mags said...

That sucks.

What is with you and burning your face with cigarrettes? I coulda sworn this is not the first time...

Kay Pea said...

You are right...tis not the first time. It happened during a Tom Petty concert right in the middle of learning to fly. someone and their cigarette decided to fly too too close to my cheek.