Saturday, December 01, 2007

One of those hilarious videos that makes you pee your pants...

So, my roommate showed me this video. I was laughing non-stop for about 20 minutes during and after. She also shared this wonderful story:

Her younger sister used to participate in track and field relays. For those not familiar with relays, runners pass a baton between each other while completing different sections of the track. During a hand-off, the one handing off the baton will yell, "Stick" while the other runner will take off and throw their hand behind their back to receive the stick without breaking stride. In this particular case, my roommate's sister was receiving the baton. Her teammate yelled "Stick" so she took off running positioning her hand behind her back to receive the baton. However, the baton never came. Her teammate, in a misconstrued effort to hand off the baton, proceeded to jam the baton as hard as she could into the girls ass. Or rather right between the two cheeks. In the heat of the moment, she had missed the hand and hit where the sun don't shine. Ouch.

The funny part is, that after hearing that story, we proceeded to re-enact the entire scene all the way home from the bar (3 or 4 blocks) which consisted of each of us sneaking up on the other and yelling STICK and then punching the offending parties' buttocks. Good times, good times. I sometimes feel as though I've become handicapped with a natural immaturity.


mags said...

That is the most bizarre video ev-ER! It took me a good 30 seconds to realize that he was actually singing in English! Where the heck did he come up with those lyrics???

This one should be called, "2nd Semester of English Thriller"

Lagartija said...

I don't think he's singing in English, they just wrote the subtitles based on what it kind of sounds like he would be saying in English, right?

Kay Pea said...

Yeah exactly...thats what makes it funny.

mags said...

Well I'm gonna go crawl in a hole and die.. how MORTIFYING. I didn't even GET it. I'm so UN. COOL. I'll NEVER be able to show my face again at a family function. I don't even know when to LAUGH. It's like... what I think is funny isn't even funny. Maybe you should write cue cards to tell me when to laugh from now on so I can be acceptable enough for you guys.

Bah Humbug.

I'm gonna go cry now.