Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Patience is a virtue....I do not possess.

It appears now that not one but TWO of my esteemed family members have joined the blogging world. I am so very titillated that I can hardly contain myself. That brings the grand total of blogs I read to number 9. 9 you say..yes, 9! I cant help it. Everytime I come across a new blog, I immediately tag it and mark it in my favorites section. I then proceed to check the blog 2 or 3x a day. Somedays I'll check them more than that...I'll read the other comments and then click on those blogs to get linked to other blogs so I can then mark and favorite those and pretty soon, my entire day hinges on whether or not Toocrazytoeatorsleep has updated their blog. I'll be the first to admit that I've gone overboard. I have a major case of blogitis. Blog. itis. It's a very crippling and debilitating disease that can affect your home life and your work environment. It amazes me how desperately I crave for people to update their blogs or post new pictures or whatnot. Some of these people I dont even know. But I have fallen in love with their wit and writing that I feel as though they are some of my closest friends.

I may have a serious problem.


mags said...

I just thought I'd point out that:
1) I was blogging before you. So really *I* should be feeling that way about the fam.

And 2) You're totally obsessive. Maybe you should get a job where you don't have continuous internet access..

Lagartija said...

Katie we are kindred spirits! Until recently I only had one blog I really read and I post a lot on it and I too check it multiple times a day! Now I have a few more on the list, like yours and Maggie's and as you've seen I started my own dorky one. HERE is the answer to your affliction: a service that e-mails you whenever the blogs you "subscribe" to get updated! : http://www.blogarithm.com/

mags said...

I was WONDERING how you always knew right away, Liz...