Monday, July 09, 2007

Live Earth makes me throw up in my mouth

A hilarious commentary on Al Gore's Live Earth concert series. Puhh-lease. I think my favorite part is Al Gore's cliche comment about the musicians not only taking the stage, but taking a stand. Yes, those musicians are are modern day saints. They are the paradigm of morals, virtue, and charity. I, for one, hope my children grow up to be the Pete Wentz's, Limp Bizkit's, Madonna's of the world.


mags said...

You have kids..??

mags said...

Are you boycotting me because I made an example of you?

It's just that... I've been posting more lately... and you stopped commenting, and so... yeah. That doesn't make me feel so good. I mean, I pretty much write my blog for YOU.

Also, I laughed really hard about your shrieking man-voice post. If that makes you feel any better. I definitely can relate to that experience.