Thursday, November 16, 2006

Today is...

the day that I, asiankp, have decreed, November 16th, as official "Get rid of something" Day. It can be something as simple as getting rid of an old pair of slacks or something more philosophical like getting rid of poverty or in Asiankp's case, its getting rid of liars...seriously, I hate liars. They can all go to the place of Dante's greatest literary work. I think they have a reserved spot too...


mags said...

We are so on the same page.

I say we go vigilante and exterminate all the liars, users, and useless people. I dunno who/what that would leave us with, but we'll burn that bridge when we come to it.

Kay Pea said...

i know...i know...i hate them and all people in this world who cause meeeeeeeeee distressssssss.

mags said...

So are you by any chance going to be back in Milwaukee prior to going out to Ohio (?) over Thanksgiving for that wedding?

Cuz... we could like... do something.... I mean, if you want....

Kathleen said...

KP I just wanted to tell you that you've inspired me to blog... check it out... very original title don't you think..

crysOakleee said...

Hey AsianKP, did you now that November 16 was actually designated by the American Cancer Society as a day to get rid of something? That's right! It was to be a day to rid ourselves of the stank of smoking and all its vile ways (like how it stains your fingers, makes you smell, creates a sad dependence on sick tobaco sticks etc.).

So props KP for somehow intuiting that this day, November 16, is indeed a day to leave behind those things that bring us down and embrace a healthy, happy future. It's just too bad you DIDDNT! Last time I checked, you still had some of those lovely little cigarettes for me to bum. haha HAHAHA MWHAHAHAHA!!!