Saturday, March 27, 2010

What's my age again?

One of the joys (and potential pains) of living with 3 roommates is the liveliness of conversation that inevitably arises when all of you are in the same room. Sometimes the dialogue is juvenile but lately topics have included but not limited to:

-Health Care
-Dignity of the Human Person
-The Morality of Torture
-Natural Law
-Zoning laws in Chicago
-Role of Aldermen in community
-Encyclicals of the Pope and previous popes
-Role of the Church in modern society
-Pope's reaction to flare-up in Ireland re. priests
-The Great Schism
-Beauty Grooming Techniques
-Earth Day

Okay, so Earth Day never really made it to the table but the rest have at some point or another. When did we start becoming grown-ups?

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