Tuesday, March 09, 2010


I like to go to the library. I also have a sensitive nose. Why are these things related? I'll tell you.
The library I frequent has a large lobby that is always open. This attracts homeless folks. That is all well and good except these homeless people stink. And I don't mean like a momentary stink like someone passing gas but a reeky, lingering, bowel-wretching smell. And it kills me. I cannot make it through the lobby without contorting my face and holding my stomach. I try to bring my hand to my nose but I'm carrying a small 2 yr. old as well as the most poorly designed stroller known to man so my hands are occupied. But dang, it SMELLS. I then think of that one song by Joan Osbourne where she says, "What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us? Just a stranger on a bus..." I start to feel really bad. Even when the homeless man has a wet stain all over the front of his pants and flashes me a toothless grin, I still feel bad. But then the smell hits me again and I realize that that song has an annoying guitar rift and is lame. And then I bolt to the elevator.

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