Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Moving On

Please forgive the teen-angtsy post below. I'm not really sure what thats about. I would delete it but maybe you already read it and then you'll think I'm embarrassed, which I am, but not enough to delete the whole post because it rings true in some respects and in others not. Either way, please forgive.

I've been trying to branch out lately. Yesterday I ate breakfast before 10am. And I also spent 3 hours at the library looking and reading the first and last pages of books that had interesting covers. Unfortunately, I was 0 for 6 on the "I actually like it enough to check it out" scale. I ended up coming home with Brideshead Revisited and a collection of short stories by Kurt Vonnegut. Reading is really quite a wonderful activity and I should take advantage of it before I have to start shopping in the large-print section because there are a number of good books that are not in large print and that is just sad. For the old folks. Plus, literacy is a gift and I shouldn't squander it.

On a slightly sadder note, my dear Animal is moving out in a week or two. This makes me very sad especially since she is the best cook in the apt., the best cleaner, best smoking buddy, sounding board, etc. She is also responsible for a majority of the decor in the apt. so our walls are now bare and look like a prison cell. A poorly lit prison cell. Think Dantes in the Chateau d'If. I've taken it upon myself to decorate the main room and I've found the following prints that, when I have more money, I'll buy. We are trying to go for an "old Chicago" theme. A sampling below.

1 comment:

Bird Feed said...

Oooo - very nice. I like the prints!!