Tuesday, April 08, 2008

When Life Throws You Lemons...

I just sit there and stare at them. I dont know what the word is for that, apathetic maybe? I've currently hit week 3 of funemployment and after a few weeks of positive networking that didnt really get anywhere, I'm starting to slump. Sure, I have options, temping, etc. but what the hell...I didnt quit my PR job to temp. I did it because I had a clear goal in mind, a clear path I wanted to take. I still have that path, only its become cloudier and cloudier. Damn it. Although I am hungry so maybe I will take those damn lemons and sell them for grocery money.

1 comment:

The TV Girl said...

Wait, wait, wait. Other people do something besides stare at the lemons life throws at them? Well this is news to me.