Monday, December 31, 2007

Sleep Apnea*

* thanks to Mags for the correct spelling

I have no idea what the word really means but I thought it would be a nice title for this post. Its almost 1 am and I'm still wide awake. Lately, I've been going to bed around 3 or 4am and then waking up around 11am the next day. I do not recommend this lifestyle but I've adopted it lately since I havent had a full time job since September. Therefore, I do it because I can. Here are some other things I do because I can:

-make Asian jokes
-drink vodka with V8 Berry Splash
-blog at 1am in the morning
-watch 3 movies in one day
-dance around my apartment naked

I'm not saying these are necessarily good things and I'm pretty sure the only one that really applies to what I'm getting at is the first one.


Joe White said...

I think I did all of those this weekend except blog at 1 am. I especially love combining the V8-vodka activity with dancing around naked, because I usually can't do either without the other.

mags said...

That is so not what sleep apnea is.

Have you tried a netti pot?