Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My Cookies bring all the boys to the yard...

Damn right...it's better than yours. My cookies (see below for full story) turned out awesome. Deliciously awesome and I did end up using the mint cocoa powder and it tastes just fine. Better than fine. The mix of mint, butterscotch, and white chocolate is actually a party in your mouth.

I'm off to Lake Forest this morning to visit a friend who is teaching up there at the local, elitist boarding school. I'm going to take a tour of the vast grounds which will be touched with a tinge of wintry goodness. Some stops on the tour include the Mansion and Some Distinguished Person's Name Library Hall. I used to always imagine what it would be like to attend boarding school and I always wanted to be one of those girls that sort of ruled the roost as the rebel--you know--who busts the rich girl for cheating or sneaks in refugees. But then I think of all the movies centered around boarding schools and how the kids have a tough life with tough stuff going on at home and parents who dont love them and I figured that my Protestant-bent, autonomous, regimented high school experience was good enough.

1 comment:

mags said...

You are a funny, funny girl. You make laugh and chortle and chuckle and giggle. Tee hee!

Right. So Chris and Caro are talking about coming down this weekend cuz Matt gets in on Thursday and will only be here for a week- he can't stay for Christmas. Will you be joining us all, perchance, or must we come see you?