Monday, November 26, 2007

Interview Schminterview

So, today I had an interview and I was super nervous because I'm not THAT good at dancing. I mean, I knew I had to have a routine prepared but I only had the music on a mix tape and apparently no one owns a boombox with a cassette player. Come to think of it, I'm not sure many people own a boombox anymore. Anyway, since my music wasnt functioning properly, I offered to interpretative dance if they had a beach ball handy. Sadly, they didnt. They decided we would sit in the lotus position and they would ask me questions. After the usual rigmarole of questions such as What is your favorite word? and Why did the chicken cross the road?, we moved on the tough stuff like, Do you think Superman killed his parents or who makes a better Superman: Brandon Routh or Christopher Reeve? After some serious sweating, they then decided to have a taste test. I would alternately try different brands of soda pop and try to guess which was which. I accurately identified the RC Cola from the Coca-Cola and even succeeded in naming a foreign Coca-Cola product from Singapore. Then came the physicals. I had to shave an extremely hairy dog in less than 2 minutes. I didnt finish shaving the dog but did manage to construct the perfect Beckham updo on an unfortunate French poodle. They liked it so much, they all posed with my creation. After that, they took me out for lobster and steak.
I think I'm shoe-in for the position.

It wasnt what I expected but at least it was better than spending all morning stressing and preparing answers and then taking two buses to the location only to have them spend less than 10 minutes with you to find out you suck at life.

Stay tuned for those photos.

1 comment:

Lagartija said...

Wow, that sounds like a really fun interview.