Monday, September 24, 2007

To Keep with the common theme...

The Word of the Day was panacea. A remedy for all diseases, problems, or evils; a universal medicine; a cure-all.

How apropos seeing as I am in desperate need for the panacea of life. Whatever that may be. To some, its a mani/pedi or a trip to the Hair Cuttery. To some its ending their life. To some its simply taking some time to reflect or improve their relationship with the Higher Power. Some people I used to work with believed a panacea was achieved through vanilla incense and Native American drums. each his own.

In other news, Asiankp has reached an all-time low by, in a moment of weakness, signing up for Urban Dictionary's Word of the Day. For those of you urbanites out there, todays word is daggy, meaning to have no style. Do with it what you will. Insult those you see fitting the description.

1 comment:

Joe White said...

I was getting my cut and color panacea, but the stylist was so daggy, now I want to commit hara-kiri.