Friday, September 21, 2007

Pretty Good Friday...

As far as Fridays go, this one would be one for the books. This morning I had enough car change to get a coffee and a blueberry bagel from Panera. My boss bought lunch. I wrote a damn good pitch that my boss only made a couple edits on as opposed to the usual editing process which involves him scratching out the entire thing and telling me to re-write it. My bosses left early and I'm now drinking beers in the office with my co-workers watching "10 Top World Cup Goals" on You Tube. I'm about to leave and go to Milwaukee to hang out with my cousins and watch some long anticipated soccer games that my dad taped on the DVR. On Sunday, I'll return to Chi-town to attend an MLS game with my beer league soccer team. Oh man...I live for Fridays, nay, I live for weekends. The only thing I'm missing is a little birthday bar hopping for a friend. A small price to pay for a fabulous weekend ahead...

1 comment:

mags said...

I've noticed that you use a lot of "rap" words in your day to day speech. Like... "fo shizzle" and "get crunked" for example.
