Monday, July 30, 2007

Something New

I clicked on a link that led me to a certain infamous actress who has a blog. The tone of her posts are somewhat poetic but in style only. Each of her posts is meant to resemble something similar to a haiku, but without any of the proper parameters. I thought I might try my hand at it:

2 day ate lunch
at panera
sandwiches so good

think about tomorrow
what 2 do with 2 much work
status call at 7am
crazy bickering clients

i want some coffee now
cream and sugar
how do u take yours.


mags said...

Haha! I really liked that, even if you didn't... it cracks me up.

Lagartija said...

THANKS for making me laugh out loud.. I needed that! (Liz) I got here from Maggie's crazy blog.