Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Are you Up to the Challenge?

Just try and test your working memory vs. mine. I got up to 7.5.

Check it out here...take the challenge.

Not sure what working memory is? Well, check here: www.aboutworkingmemory.org


Joe White said...

Fun stuff. I only got 7 on the grid, but then I got 10.5 on the numbers. woohoo.

Kay Pea said...

Nice. your cousin actually worked on designing and creating that site.

crysOakleee said...

I was wondering if this was that same thing! Was it in the paper a while back too?

I only got to 6.5 on the grid, woops! But I dont have audio, so I can't do the rest here at work. Also my boss walked by in the middle...so I may have been a litle distracted.

Kay Pea said...

excuses. excuses.