Thursday, February 15, 2007


Interviews. The very word strikes fear in the hearts of all young professionals. Personally, I'd rather have my wisdom teeth taken out again than attend an interview. My esteemed father provided me with several documents to read on interviewing. But who has time to read?! Seriously with all the fabulous TV...who wants to spend time reading documents about a skill that might be vital to our future.

Case in point: I'm sure the document would have a very detailed section on how to avoid extended periods of silence with a prospective boss during an interview.


crysOakleee said...

I was reading one of those interview self-help books recently which prepared one to answer such questions as: "How many piano-tuners are there in the world?" And "How would you measure the weight of an oceanliner?"

mags said...

How many piano tuners ARE there in the world?

crysOakleee said...

Not that many. Like 20,000 in the whole entire world. Isn't that weird?