Thursday, May 17, 2007


Today I got schooled in the art of PR. Now, don't get me wrong. I've been schooled in many things many times. It's called learning with a kick in the ass. It is one of those things that makes you a better person and a better professional but, at the same time, makes you feel like a giant ignoramus. Case in point, I am working on my very first press release. Now the process of a press release is very involved. You must tell a story in simple terms. You may not use marketing language, except in a quote. You have to draw them in. A headline is important, not as important but still important. Do not use words like "unprecendented" or "top quality" or "ground breaking" unless your annoucement falls under those maxims but more than likely, it doesnt. The list goes on and on. So, I wrote a draft that I submitted. Now, this was a first draft for my bosses but more like the 100th draft for me. They looked, they saw, they destroyed. Granted, it wasnt terrible, they said, it just wasnt good. I recieved a copy with so many edits and scratch marks, it looked like cat took a pencil and went to town. Schooled. Sometimes it sucks. I'm still waiting for that feeling that lets me know I'm learning...

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