Outside my window, the Revolutionary War has resurfaced. Or someone is watching Mel Gibson's The Patriot at an obnoxiously high volume. Either way, the fireworks are making me feel just like Gibson's children who watch the smoke and fire make their way toward the house and then the corn parts and soldiers march through. It's kinda like Apocalypse Now meets Field of Dreams meets Yours, Mine and Ours. Kinda.
I must confess that this date fills me with a bit of sadness. The Fourth of July signifies the beginning of the end. Summer is in full swing, usually, and the fourth reminds us that it ends even quicker than it began. Soon it will be August and everyone will be preparing to return to whatever responsibilities wait for them or some people will be moving to new cities or onto new jobs or apartments but it's all downhill from here. And that, my friends, is not cool.
What is cool is: I had a fabulous time with my friends at the Farm, our annual Fourth of July party was a huge success, Animal is visiting this weekend, my cousin will be getting married in two weeks and in August I'll be hitting up DC and NYC for a holiday. Hmm...I may have to re-think my whole beginning of the end theory.
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- تعد شركة تركيب اثاث ايكيا من الشركات المفضلة لكثير من العملاء فهم من منحوها الصدارة والتميز لتميز الخدمات المقدمة لهم وهي الاولي في تركيب الاثاث لزيادة خبراتها الكبيرة لسنوات.
تتميز ايضا شركة خبراء المملكة بكبر فرق العمل المتخصصة والمدربة بمهاره وتقنية عالية كما اننا ندعم صفوفنا بصفة مستمرة من العمال والموظفين والفنيين الأكفاء والمهرة كما انها Jستقبل العمالة الفليبنية
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