Thursday, November 05, 2009


So I'm in Miami. It's nice. Very nice. The folks I'm staying with have a house right along the Biscayne Bay. I'm sipping iced tea on the veranda while boats float by blasting Jay-Z. I recently purchased a new solid gold bikini for the occasion so I'm sporting that right now. My porter is out fetching stone water crabs for dinner. I'm going to dip them in a large vat of butter. Oh wait, Will Smith is here...he says, "Holla" and "Isn't this scenery just like that one hit song I wrote several years ago?? Am I the man or what?" I told him he was and that he, Jada, and the rest of the family should join me for crab legs this evening. After that, I hired some local youths to set off firecrackers from a raft in the middle of the bay. Then we are hitting up South Beach to dance our pants off. Good times. Can't believe this is all "work-related."

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