Monday, August 31, 2009

26 Things I'd Like to Do Before Turning 27

1.) Become fluent in sign language
2.) Become fluent in Korean
3.) Make something for this.
4.) Bake a pie from scratch
5.) Finish reading this and this.
6.) Recycle
7.) Verbally reprimand the dogwalker who lets their dog poop on the sidewalk
8.) Make a sculpture out of fruit
9.) Make tapas
10.) Have a baby*
11.) Not second guess myself on anything
12.) Travel to the West Coast
13.) Travel to the East Coast
14.) Submit at least two more stories for this. **
15.) Begin ideas for the screenplay
16.) Donate blood
17.) Make slideshow for my parents anniversary
18.) Sort through all my old memorabilia
19.) Make the big plunge and move to LA
20.) Make a difference in the life of someone else
21.) Watch at least half of the Oscar winning films for Best Picture
22.) Write a legit fan letter and ask for a signed picture
23.) Start reading this trilogy.
24.) Take the GRE
25.) Run a marathon
26.) Abolish fear

*Obviously this is farcical.
**Already submitted one which was a huge step for me.  A story about live bull-riding. 


stongies said...

visit Detroit should be on your list. It's pretty awesome here!

Julie said...

If you want we could read The World is Flat together. It's been on my list. Then we might actually set up a concrete time to see each other.

KayPea said...

Okay, lets do it Julie. Also, when you coming back to Chicago??