Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Love Affair with YouTube

Yes. YouTube and I have now entered a relationship. Its is consensual and it is pure, pure love. Seriously, I was a big fan of YouTube since it began but now, I'm head over heels in love. Where else can you re-live one of the greatest upsets in college football, or watch a fabulous tribute video to your favorite TV show or even watch horrible movies because you are too cheap to rent them but you still want some eye candy. Nowhere else but YouTube.
I've even begun to contribute to the relationship but due to the nature of the video content, I will not link them here. I feel the general public is not ready for their weirdness.

That's all I have really. I just wanted to share the joy with the rest of you.


mags said...

Darling. Nobody likes a tease.

I searched all over youtube. I can't find your videos anywhere. I did find some damn funny other asian stuff, though... ha ha..

Time well spent. I needed a good chuckle.

Kay Pea said...

Okay, just for unknown beast and consumption is key.

mags said...


I TOTALLY know that scream...