Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm Always Cold

So, now that I have a 9-5 job, it requires me to wear a somewhat professional wardrobe. Well, me being me, I dont have a ton of professional garb that is a.) comfortable b.) correctly falls into the category of professional and c.) fits. I know there are ways to fix problem c. but in order to do that, one must have proper funds and since I have been "funemployed" for the last 3 months or so, the funds are not there or they are being spent on other necessitites such as rent and electricity.

As a result, I usually end up wearing the same pair of pants twice, maybe even 3 times during the week. I change it up with different tops of course but in the end, I end up just wearing my coat. In an effort to mix up the pants with different tops, I end up wearing tops that I'm not crazy about. To solve this problem and not look like Helen Keller dressed me in the morning, I wear my coat. All. day. My coat is kinda like my security blanket. I wear it all the time. I wear it in church. I wear in the car. I wear it to dinner parties. It really never leaves my body unless I'm sleeping or swimming. Part of it is insecurity but really, I just like wearing my coat.

However, its tough to explain this to co-workers who continually pass my desk asking why I'm wearing my coat. I usually tell them that I'm just cold. This works well in the morning because they assume that I've just come in from the chilly Chicago winter but when 3:00 rolls around and I'm still wearing my coat, I'm sure they are wondering what my problem is. Some of them pass by the desk and grab their shoulders and say, "ooo...brrrr. you must be chilly still." I tell them I'm just cold all the time. Like its a problem I have. Sometimes they agree with me but sometimes, I get a look from the guy in the short sleeves and I feel like he can see right through my coat. And my act. And I know deep down he wants to steal my coat.


Joe White said...

I have worn the same four pairs of pants to work for the past three months, except once I wore this one other pair. So what's the problem? Oh yeah, that's right, the stains.

mags said...

I only have three sets of scrubs.

But I bet I wash them at least 236times more often than you do your coat.

The TV Girl said...

Okay, the only thing I even remotely fit into right now is one pair of jeans, and so that is what I wear to work every, single, damn day. I have given up any hope that I look even remotely polished let alone cute. So, if I were anywhere near you, I would steal your coat and use it as my safety blanket. Beware...