Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Yesterday, I went to visit my friend who is teaching at LFA, a private prep boarding school in one of the richest neighborhoods in the country. Several of the students who attend live in castles and their fathers own fighter jets just for fun. The school however does NOT disappoint. I was thoroughly impressed with the architecture of the school, it was rather Victorian, I think...and a majority of the classes are held in a giant mansion affectionately called The Mansion. The grounds are impressive as well. There is a section that reminded me of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon touched with icicles and fresh powdery snow. The students seemed pretty normal although I did manage to identify the Plastic girls right away. If you dont know what I mean when I refer to the Plastics then we have no business being friends. All in all, it was a good day.

But back to reality, I was perusing the Chicago craigslist ads today and saw a posting for a FEMALE personal assistant for established Hollywood Producer. Naturally I was intruiged which occurs 97% of the time I'm on craigslist. They dont ask for much, just a resume and a picture. Part of me is dying to apply, just to see. However, jobs that often require a picture make me wary. It seems to me that by asking for a picture, this prospective employer desires someone fairly attractive. This was also evident by the specific capitalization of the word FEMALE in the title. Which annoys me. Why ask for a picture? Just put in your description: Seeking someone highly attractive with low body mass index and nice skin and big boobs. By asking for a picture, it implies that looks are incredibly important because a.) you are going places and want to get noticed by having some hot arm candy or b.) you are incredibly shallow and materialistic or c.) you are going to use this female personal assistant for something other than errands. Why else would you ask for a picture?
So should I apply? And should I send a picture? Maybe I'll go on the internet and send a picture of some famous movie star instead. Like Lucy Lui. Then I'll show up at the interview being entirely NOT Lucy Lui. Yeah, that'll show 'em. Common Citizen--2 points. Big Bad Hollywood--0.


crysOakleee said...

I think Hollywood's personal assistants are like hired friends. It would be difficult for the likes of Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton to actually retain real friends, so they have to hire them. Then the PAs drive them all around to all the clubs and do drugs with them and stuff. Just take a really slutty pic and send that in.

suspiciousminds said...

I saw an ad on Craig's List for a Personal Assistant placed by a parapalegic (spinal cord injury) looking for someone to care for him, his home (a cook like momma used to do?) and help with small business...includes room and board and pretty decent salary.Requested a resume and picture. The picture request set off my radar so I googled the scenario and found this blog. My suspicions are confirmed, maybe? What kind of care, beyond the obvious, would a parapalegic be looking for???