Tuesday, October 16, 2007

5 Things About Me that Are Lame...but I dont care

Every once in a while, I feel its important to call myself out on things. Its a purging of sorts...kind of like confession only I dont leave with grace and penance nor does it have the same significant effects on my soul. But I digress and share a few things about me that are totally lame but despite the possible stigma, I hold my head high. At least for a while.

1.) I own Seasons 1 and 2 of The O.C. You know, that whole Marissa-Ryan drama, will Seth and Summer get together, etc. It was gripping stuff with witty dialogue that no self respecting person would ever say in real life. The eye candy doesnt hurt either. It brings me back to what I call the "Paul Walker Syndrome." Greek god looks. Excruciatingly painful acting. Notice how I only own Seasons 1 and 2. Before it got really really shitty. One can argue that it was shitty from the beginning but I dont want to argue, I've already admitted these things are lame, but come on, you thought Seth was pretty funny too.

2.) If my checkbook is messy or there are cross outs, I will, literally, rip out the entire ledger and start over. Even if that means I have to re-enter figures and amounts from 3 months ago. Call it anal, call it ridiculous...either way, neatness counts.

3.) I cannot stand people who misspell things. I love to correct them. Its some sick thing I hold near and dear to my heart but I see misspelling as a major sign of weakness. And I cant stand it. It bothers me. A. whole. lot. So much so that I have to physically get up from the computer and walk away if someone sends me a document with spelling errors.

4.) I love the Thesaurus. All those delicious words floating around just waiting to be used. The 25 cent words that make you seem a bit smarter and more educated. Rather than dwell in the ordinary, the thesaurus allows you to become extraordinary or exceptional, rare, primo, uncommon, remarkable, even singular.

5.) I love liturgical music. All those songs that we sing in Mass, like, One Bread, One Body and Gather Us In, Eagles Wings, Here I Am...those kinds of songs. I love them. Sometimes when I'm supposed to be paying attention in Mass, I will flip to the song section of the missal and pick out my favorite ones and quietly hum them to myself. The song How Great Thou Art brings tears to my eyes. I'm crying now just thinking about it.


crysOakleee said...

Regarding Lame Thing About You Number 3: does the misuse of words bother you as much as the misspelling of words? For example, your ignorant misuse of the word "anile" (of or resembling a doddering old woman) when you obviously meant "anal" (of, relating to, characterized by, or being personality traits [as parsimony, meticulousness, and ill humor])

I find it amusing and entertaining really that you accuse others with such vehemence of lacking a competent use of the English language when you yourself abuse it so abominably.

Kay Pea said...

I thought I was clear. its the misspelling of the words. Misusage is awful yes but nowhere near misspelling.

mags said...

Katie, I love you. I really really do.

In fact, so much, that after this post I'm almost ready to share phil (in a purely academic way) just because you're so damn cool...

I'm a fan of all those liturgical songs you mentioned as well, but not half the person you are... because I'm such a coward that I'll go so far as to deliberately bash those particular songs just to mask how much I love them because I'm ashamed and don't want to be teased. But really they delight me. I pretend I'm singing along out of duty, but it's so not true...

Lagartija said...

kp, I read this and thought, "Oh, I should be embarrassed about those things?" O.K. Well, two of them are not the same for me. I did watch some of the first season of the O.C. b/c it happened to be on at the same time I was nursing Jimmy to sleep at night so I needed some entertainment. And Danny did offer me season one on DVD before he left and I actually said sure, but he never got it to me, so I guess I almost owned it.

Then, about the checkbook thing, NO. I hardly write checks, but when I do i could care less about the neatness of ledger thing. I'm married to someone who works in finance. He can be anal about that.

But the other stuff, yeah, pretty much. Heck yeah on the church music. I want On Eagles Wings at my funeral. I don't get mad at misspellers, though, but I do secretly hold it against them.