Monday, September 03, 2007

the far east

So, i'm on a vaca. no, not a cow. a vacation. its AWESOME. DC...particularly the Chevy Chase area has some wonderful scenery...although to be honest those circles kind of freak me out. it looks like a major accident just waiting to happen. anyway, its been a phenomenal 3 days so far...chillaxin with old friends and eating some good food. Did I ever tell you about my friends baby...well let me tell you she is the cutest little fatty fat in the world. And, she loves me. Well, I dont know if its love or the fact that i give her food whenever i see her but, love, its all the same thing. i dont want to work again ever. E.V.E.R.

1 comment:

mags said...

maybe we should hang out at Steve's new apartment and drink Signature Margaritas this weekend.