Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The art of switching your opinion-a democrats way of life

So, I dont mean to go all politico on your reading eyes but I wanted to address the war at some point this year. Now, I am not the #1 Bush supporter but I am well aware that I could do no better in his situation and I believe the leader of our country deserves our respect and support. Plus, I dont like to condemn someone unless I have a better plan or a viable alternative. This being said, those people who criticize Bush and criticize the war need to step back and take a look at the history behind our involvement in the so-called "Bush's War."

I have compiled a list of quotes from several high profile Democrats regarding Saddam and the presence of WMDs. These are the same Democrats leading the charge against Bush and his war in the present day.

"...are we taking some ambigious route which gives him (Saddam) more opportunities to develop this program of weapons of mass destruction..."
-Bill Clinton

"There are such as thing as international outlaws, I'm not sure China is one of them but I'm quite sure Iran and Iraq are."
-Howard Dean

"Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons, there's no question about that..."
-Nancy Pelosi

"We know he continues to attempt to gain access to additional capabilities, including nuclear capabilities..."
-Joe Biden

"Saddam Hussein in effect has snubbed his nose at the world community and I think the President is approaching this in the right fashion."
-Harry Reid

"Do you think we could have disarmament without regime change" -Interviewer
"I doubt it...I can support the President, I can support an action against Saddam Hussein because I think its in the long term interest of our national security."
-Hilary Clinton

"Serving on the intelligence committee and seeing day after day, week after week, briefings on Saddam's weapons of mass destruction and his plans on using those weapons, he may not be allowed to have those..it's just that simple."
-John Edwards

Now all these quotes may have been pulled and edited nicely to create a consumate GOP propaganda tool but hey, I'll take my chances and, as the Democrats have so eloquently exemplified, I can always change my mind.


mags said...

KP.. sometimes I just find you so damn sexy...

(it's okay, people. we're family.)

Ha! Anyways, I've lately decided to bring some harmony to politics. For example, when asked about the president's speech the other day, I sing, "Never Surrender!" (80's style), and when asked what I think about Bush's stance with the war, I sing, "I'll STAND by you!" I find this to be a very effective tool. It allows for very brief, to the point responses, without all the bullshit and cattiness. You should try it.

mags said...

PS: 80's songs work best, by the way.