Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wish List

In anticipation of my birthing anniversary, I have compiled the following wish list of things I would like to do/have:

1.) Go to China in September for the Women's World Cup
2.) Shooting range with real guns
3.) Swimming in a giant vat of peach salsa
4.) My very own Police Trainer arcade game
5.) A soft pretzel cart with the good cheese
6.) A lifetime supply of Breyer's All Natural Fruit Bars
7.) Not work
8.) Write the next great american novel
9) Dance Party in the rain

If you think you can make any of those me immediately.


mags said...

I'll do shooting range with real guns with you.

There's a good place in waukesha that only charges for ammo, and I even can supply a male escort versed in parts and workings of guns to go with us. It'll be rockin'. Name the date.

Kay Pea said...

Dude. i'm in.

phil said...

mags! You two-timing, unfaithful bad word! Thought I'd never read the comments on kp's blog, huh? Thought you were safe plotting your little trysts here?
Get your things; we're through.

by the way, kp, I'm feel saddened and betrayed to discover your part in this. ...buut your use of the phrase "birthing anniversary" amuses me so I forgive you.

mags said...

Ha ha! Well if it makes you feel ANY better, I missed my "9 months remaining" deadline...

xo me :)