Saturday, July 07, 2007


So, today is 7/7/07. BFD. Although the date represents good luck, good karma, togetherness and all that other new age spiritualistic stuff, the date for me represents another failed planning session on Asiankp's part.
5 months ago, I realized that it was going to be 7/7/7. I made a promise that very day to have a larger than life party on 7/7/7 that started at 7 and lasted until 7 and we would drink only 7 and 7s. It seemed like a great idea at the time. I was this close to sending out an evite for the damn party that was only 5 months away.
But, weeks went by and 5 months turned to 2 months and then 2 weeks and then tomorrow. So here I sit in my favorite coffee shop blogging about the great party that never was. A failed planner I am. My roommate, the best planner of them all, recently moved to NY to save the world. I am languishing without her. So, as I gratefully accept the title of world's worst planner, I will sit here drinking my iced chai latte and eating my everything bagel with veggie cream cheese and dream about the greatest party in the word that I never planned.

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