As a conscientious blogger, I am constantly trying to hone my craft or develop a voice or make my blog worth reading. I make a point to peruse other blogs in the hopes of developing a criteria upon which to base or rate my own. This research is rather hard to do because the only internet connection I have is at work and since at work, I get paid to do work, blog research is not high on my list of priorities. But my dedication to the blogging world trumps all...even money and so I squirrel away some precious moments of the day to read other blogs. I read them all. The good, the bad, the ugly and the fugly. My favorites are the ones in narrative form, the ones that capture the everyday humor and joy of being alive. The uglies are the ones who wax philosophical on Bush and the government. One blogger has even gone far enough to give our President the title, "Bushtard." It appears that someone has not gotten over 2nd grade. I mean, come on, bushtard….that’s not even clever. But aside from these playground insults, the fuglys are the ones where "educated" people talk about how Michael Moore documentaries are mini-history lessons on our government. Michael Moore is a successful filmmaker, I’ll give him that and he certainly knows how to make the system work in his favor. But the fugliest of the fuglies are the bloggers who include their “poetry.” Examples:
Salt pepper salt pepper salt pepper
Salt pepper salt pepper salt pepper
Pepper salt salt pepper pepper salt
Salt salt salt salt salt salt salt salt
Pepper pepper pepper pepper pepper.
Salt pepper salt pepper salt pepper.
No joke. Granted, they did not use this combo of spices but you get the idea. Another example:
The butter was dripping down the chin
Like Niagra Falls
I wanted to lap it up
But alas, I am no corn on the cob
Eager to soak my outside skin in dairy
Unable to enjoy the taste.
They get worse.
Eating is
On hot days,
Swimming =fun and cool.
Wow. Poetic. FUGLY.
I can’t believe I’m making fun of people for using bushtard when I use the word fugly. Oh well. I guess anything goes in the blogging world.
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Crystal wishes Asiankp would continue to earn money dishonestly by posting during work hours. She needs to be entertained.
She is also very proud of Asiankp for her relentless attack on the innocent and foolish bloggers of the world who think the drivel they post is remotely entertaining and/or inspired.
Do you remember the "Ode to a Cloud" poem we made up on the flight to Mexico? I wonder if I still have that...
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