Thursday, June 17, 2010


Why do some web pages have music that comes on automatically and at such a deafening level you forget what you are googling and shut the computer? And why is the application to shut off said music so dang hard to locate? Lately, I've had a whole list of why questions. I keeping adding them to the chalkboard in my room in the hopes that someday, I'll come home and they will all be magically answered.

I went to Target today to look for a swimsuit. I left Target with a movie, dental floss and facewash. I think I was suffering from Target Amnesia which means you go in with a plan, get all flustered by the bright lights and inviting red target sign and you forget what you came for in the first place. Then you are looking at your receipt where you spent way too much and realize you never even bought the thing you needed.

It doesn't really matter though because a week from now, I'll be sitting at the glorious Farm, reminiscing with old friends, and having a blast. See some of you very soon.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

It's that time of year...

Nominations for summer song are now being accepted. Recently, I attended a She and Him concert and came away amazed and in love. I realize that I'm extremely late to the party in admiring this band but better late than never. As a result, I've been watching this almost every day because it makes me happy. And it will make you happy too. It's a nice break from that Gaga Lady who is just...weird.

So, lay it on me summer. And those of you (the few but the loyal) who read this blog, let me know what tunes are making you happy these days. Also, for those of you with babies, the song Sweet Darlin makes even the tiniest baby shake their bon-bons. I've tested it on a 7 week old and a 2 year old but let me know how it goes...