Meeting went quite well.
Favorite phrases:
"We Brits love our tea."
"When Child #1 doesn't get enough sleep, it can be a bloody nuisance."
"Is nannying a chosen profession or rather a sort of stop-gap?"
I'm thinking that stop-gap is the new funemployment.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Accent this...
I have a prospective client meeting tomorrow to pick up some more gigs. This family is a friend of a friend and I'm sure everything will go swimmingly. Except this family is British. And absolutely British.
My first phone message went something like this, "Hello Kay Pea, this is Mrs. UK. I'm a friend of a friend. Wondering if you might be interested in some babysitting perhaps once a month or so? Feel free to ring me on my mobile or call the house directly."
I call back and we exchange pleasantries and she says, "Well, yes, let's see, perhaps you could come over around 3pm. We'll have some tea and Child #1 should just be getting back from elementary so you can meet her. Child #2 is just about 3 and he's quite cute. They are quite lovely children. I'm sure you need to be getting on then, we'll fancy a meeting later."
Brilliant. I will enjoy this. Although, those of you who know me well know that I have a weird tendency to try and imitate an accent if its spoken at me. It's some weird thing I noticed when I was travelling Europe and I'm told its quite annoying. I only hope I can maintain my decorum and not screw this up.
My first phone message went something like this, "Hello Kay Pea, this is Mrs. UK. I'm a friend of a friend. Wondering if you might be interested in some babysitting perhaps once a month or so? Feel free to ring me on my mobile or call the house directly."
I call back and we exchange pleasantries and she says, "Well, yes, let's see, perhaps you could come over around 3pm. We'll have some tea and Child #1 should just be getting back from elementary so you can meet her. Child #2 is just about 3 and he's quite cute. They are quite lovely children. I'm sure you need to be getting on then, we'll fancy a meeting later."
Brilliant. I will enjoy this. Although, those of you who know me well know that I have a weird tendency to try and imitate an accent if its spoken at me. It's some weird thing I noticed when I was travelling Europe and I'm told its quite annoying. I only hope I can maintain my decorum and not screw this up.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
What happened?
The last couple nights I've been out, I've been trying to be social. This has upsides. However, the median age of these "people" has been 21. Now I'm not saying that 21 is young and immature, I'm just shocked that I've somehow managed to hit all the areas that are overpopulated with these fresh, young co-eds. Perhaps I should be hitting up Bingo Night at the local church or the canasta night at the YMCA. At least there I won't have high school graduates telling me that I'm like, so, like, SOOOO super old.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Me Want iPHONE
This has been dominating my thoughts lately. And for no good reason. I just covet it.
Moving On
Please forgive the teen-angtsy post below. I'm not really sure what thats about. I would delete it but maybe you already read it and then you'll think I'm embarrassed, which I am, but not enough to delete the whole post because it rings true in some respects and in others not. Either way, please forgive.
I've been trying to branch out lately. Yesterday I ate breakfast before 10am. And I also spent 3 hours at the library looking and reading the first and last pages of books that had interesting covers. Unfortunately, I was 0 for 6 on the "I actually like it enough to check it out" scale. I ended up coming home with Brideshead Revisited and a collection of short stories by Kurt Vonnegut. Reading is really quite a wonderful activity and I should take advantage of it before I have to start shopping in the large-print section because there are a number of good books that are not in large print and that is just sad. For the old folks. Plus, literacy is a gift and I shouldn't squander it.
On a slightly sadder note, my dear Animal is moving out in a week or two. This makes me very sad especially since she is the best cook in the apt., the best cleaner, best smoking buddy, sounding board, etc. She is also responsible for a majority of the decor in the apt. so our walls are now bare and look like a prison cell. A poorly lit prison cell. Think Dantes in the Chateau d'If. I've taken it upon myself to decorate the main room and I've found the following prints that, when I have more money, I'll buy. We are trying to go for an "old Chicago" theme. A sampling below.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Hello God, its me, Kay Pea. Are you there?
Many nights I've laid awake in my cell-block sized room muttering that phrase over and over again. And while I do not doubt the existence of God, sometimes I wonder what He's thinking. I feel as though I'm been living my life relatively well and relatively according to the purpose. I do not expect a reward here and now, of course, although at some point, I'd like to think that its paying off. I'm not exactly sure what I'm saying. Its Friday night at 1am. And I'm sober. Maybe thats the problem.
We Need A TV
Thats it. Otherwise the four of us will spend our weekday evenings huddled around a laptop. And while that is very good for bonding, it does nothing to help our posture or our rapidly burning retinas. Help.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
RIP Patrick
Ah Patrick. As I sit here basking in this RED DAWN, I feel as though your GHOST is looking over my shoulder making sure that this post does you justice. At the risk of sounding like an OUTSIDER, I want you to know, POINT BREAK, that I will miss your DIRTY DANCING and your POWDER BLUE eyes. I will be sure to pass on my condolences to your NEXT OF KIN. So I hope you take ONE LAST DANCE and I won't be able to pass a ROADHOUSE without thinking of you. You were a BEAST.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Day Creativity Died
It's small so you can't really see the tagline but it oh so cleverly says, "Tuesdays are a bitch." You are lucky I spared you the other CW advertisement for an already angsty show that rightly ended several decades ago that states, "Menage a Tuesday." Is it just me or has the CW hit a new high of trashy?
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