Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Yesterday was Memorial Day, making last weekend Memorial Day weekend and consequently one of the most emotional weekends of my life. Okay, so thats a bit dramatic but still, it was emotional. My roommate of over 6 years left for Beantown. I can only say that the night was drowned in a giant pool of gin and tears. Okay, no gin. Asiankp seems to have hit some sort of alcoholic barrier. ANYWAY, as a result of my long time friend leaving, I was having a phone conversation with another great friend who lives many many miles away and casually said, "Hey, you should come to Chicago this weekend." Lo and behold, the next day she texts me saying, "My flight gets in at such and such a time at O'Hare." HOLY. MOTHER. AMAZING. Said friend and I had an absolutely fabulous time, chilling, smoking, talking, walking, marveling at all the "famous Chicago landmarks" and just catching up and enjoying the company of a good friend who knows you so well that you finish eachothers sandwiches. Thank you friend! It meant more than you know.

Unfortunately, the little peeps that Asiankp has been watching have been sick so, natch, Asiankp caught the bug and was sick for a majority of the weekend. Said friend braved this all like a champ and even had comforting words for my sickly soul.

So that was my weekend. It was also nice because long time roommate and her fiance made their trip to Beantown safe and sound and in one piece. Oh, did I mention that I finished it up with a little Chicago by the sea sailing trip and some delish BBQ pork?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Fear of the Drool

Okay, so I know that babies who are teething drool. All the time. No really, all. the. time. I know its painful for them and its very messy and one of those things in life that can't be avoided and something we all experience but when I have to change Baby X's outfit 3x in one day because of the drool, I wonder if something is off. By the by, Baby X is the name I'm giving to the ADORABLE baby I nanny for. This is to protect my own rear end and so in the future, she can never google herself and find that her old crazy nanny wrote all about her baby days on the world wide interweb.

Back to the drool...it doesnt just cover the front of her onesie right under her chin. It covers the ENTIRE front of the onesie and, like a sponge soaking up water, it keeps seeping in so much so that it forms a rather perfect oval down the front of the onesie. If someone saw her, they would say, "Why did someone pour water all over that baby in the shape of a giant egg?" Seeing as I have to do the kids laundry once a week, changing the outfit 3x in one day does not bode well for me.

However, the face that she makes when I give her that baby Tylenol is so freakin cute that I can't help but forgive her for wiping her snotting nose and drool stained face all over my shirt and pants.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Do Yo' Chain Hang Low?

So, I'm not sure why but this video cracks me up. Animal showed it to me and I must say, she has good taste. I dont know if the butchering of the nicey nice children's song or just the teeth on this mutha but its worth it.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sounds of Summer

I love summer. It's my birthday season and the weather is nice and you can dine al fresco and you could barbecue everyday and there are lots of people out and you can wear sundresses and did I mention the weather is nice? I have a rather obsessive personality and I love to pick a song for the summer, a song that I can constantly replay over and over until my roommates kill me and forever and ever amen, I'll always have this song to remind me of the summer of 08. Anyway, this was last years anthem:

It's Drive Somewhere by the Vuglar Boatmen.

Anyway, here is Summer Anthem of 2008 for Asiankp. Its an oldie but a goodie and even though everyone and their mom will be like, "Oh Asiankp, that song is so old" I dont care because thats just like, your opinion, man.

2008 Summer Anthem: Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Samantha Who? I love you.

I am aware that the premise of this show is rather sophomoric and borderlines on a fluffier Sex and the City wannabe but for some reason, I really enjoy it. I dont know if its seeing Barry Watson onscreen again (Oh Matt Camden...) or the resurrection (?) of Christina Applegate's career but the show makes me laugh and regardless of the predictable plots, its like biting into a crab rangoon. It looks a little weird on the outside but oh so tasty and delicious and something you can count on in times of need.

Damn. I'm just not as good on the metaphors as TV Girl.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Picture is Worth...

I noticed in previous posts, I had pictures. They were fun and it adds a fun aesthetic to the blog to those folks who are too tired to read or too lazy to scroll down. I've been there. So, I'll post a recent photo. I got a haircut and the glasses are fo' real.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Little Irks

So I went for a run today. I'm trying this new thing called exercising to increase the endorphins to my brain and make me a happier, healthier person. But dont worry, I've still got the cigarettes if all else fails.

Anyway, as I was in shower after my run, for some reason, a draft was entering the bathroom and the shower liner kept sticking to my body. This is annoying on many levels. One, I cannot properly clean my body when there is a nasty old shower liner sticking to it. Two, everytime I swatted it off, it kept coming back on a completely different part of the body. Third, I tried to direct the shower head to keep a steady stream of water pushing the liner against the tub eliminating the stickiness problem but since the shower head was spraying in the direction of the liner, I had to get closer to the liner to stay under the water bringing me in contact again with the dreaded liner. I know there are starving children in India and thousands of Chinese students suffering from an earthquake and here I am, bitching about my shower liner. I am aware that my priorities are out of line here but seriously, this liner problem is just one of those things that irks me. Its like a misquito bite that wont go away and can't be cured with Benadryl.

We all have those things in our lives. Those little annoyances that, in the large scheme of things, are not worth it at all but they still just bother us enough to make us stand up and take note but not big enough to go on a crusade. Sometimes, they bother us just enough to write an entire blog post on.

Here are a few others:
-There are 6 steps from the street level to the door of my apartment. My mailbox is located next to my door. For some reason, my postman refuses to walk the stairs and leaves our mail in our neighbors mailbox on the street level. This annoys him, me and the rest of the residents of the 1713 block. Plus I dont want Jimmy to know which magazines I'm subscribing to.

-When other people open your mail. I am a Netflix member and a majority of the movies I get are for the apartment. However, please refrain from opening the envelopes until I get there. For two reasons: one, you (and you know who you are) consistently rip the return envelopes in the wrong way and refuse to follow directions and two, I dont want to be subject to explaining my movie choices to a judgmental, un-informed movie police.

-Leaving laundry. This is a minor detail. It happens to the best of us. But seriously, if you throw a load in knowing full well that you are leaving for the afternoon and the better part of the evening, where is the logic in that? Granted it is not hard for me to put your clothes in the dryer but what about when I accidently shrink your favorite mu-mu or have to sort through some questionable stained underwear or your wide array of colorful thongs? Awkward level: HIGH. And for the record, this applies to more than one person.

So, what bothers you?

Saturday, May 10, 2008


You know those signs...the ones around big cities usually situated right below a streetlight that say "No standing." Well, yeah, those signs. I'm not exactly sure what they mean. I guess they refer to cars double parking and no standing/waiting/being an asshole and parking in a non parking area. Well, the point I'm trying to make is that I dont like those people who turn those signs into photo ops. You know the type. They take pictures while standing under the no standing sign and give a goofy grin and point at the sign. Hohohoho. So funny.

Granted, when I was in London, they have this fabulous tradition of painting directly on the street saying LOOK LEFT or LOOK RIGHT. I have a picture of me looking left making the goofy face and pointing at the street. But give me a break. I was in Europe, I was in college, I was probably drunk.

Anyway, those people give me ulcers. It's been a rough week here in Asiankp land. There is some stuff going down with the folks at home and my little charges keep me busy and tired. And there is the festival that I'm assistant producing that closes this weekend. All in all, I'm looking for a break.

This post is mindless and half rant and half update. I'm going to quit now because I'm giving myself an ulcer.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Evites are funny things. Speaking from experience, my dealings with Evite are mostly love/hate. I love how easy it is to send information about a party to millions of people and then how easy it is for them to invite other people and pretty soon you have a party of 1 billion. Okay, so thats never really happened. Yet.

But, I hate the essence of the evite. I hate the colors they choose and the themes and the whole ridiculous responses and the layout and even that you have to register. Of course I am one of those people who tries to come up with witty replies to my evite rather than the standard, website provided crap responses. Maybe its the impersonal personal nature that I love/hate. Getting handwritten invitations to events are flattering and look pretty but they cost money and then you have to pay for postage. Evites are free. And you can feel a bit like Big Brother because as an administrator, you can see who looked at the evite and how many times they looked at it and then you can send mean, nasty emails to your friends saying, "WTF? Why havent you responded to my evite?"

However, you can't tape an evite to your fridge and then everytime you go to get milk or cream or ham, you can't be reminded of the fun bridal shower you have to go to in 2 weeks. Well, technically you could tape it to your fridge but honestly, who would do that?

Here's one thing I know...it is NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ACCEPTABLE TO SEND WEDDING INVITATIONS VIA EVITE. I think its important to reiterate this cultural and perhaps moral wrong because with the way technology is creeping into our everday lives, some sucker out there is bound to send one. Dark days indeed.