Tuesday, March 27, 2007


My brother has the most fabulous dog and her name is Molly. They say man's best friend is his dog and I'm inclined to believe that they are right. Whoever they are...probably those folks at Hallmark who made ridiculous statements in order to sell monogramed overpriced pieces of paper.
I took a trip home this past weekend to unwind, which really means be lazy, but it makes me feel better to say that I'm "going home to unwind" so that I don't feel guilty for lying around and doing nothing. They say thats what you do when you go home...you relax. They. Those folks at Hallmark again.
Back to point, the weather was absolutely fabulous so it was impossible for me to be completely slothful. I decided to indulge in a little East Coast fantasy and take the dog into the yard of my 3 story colonial with a picket fence to play some catch. Let me just say that the next 20 minutes were absolute bliss. I would throw the ball, she (Molly) would take off at ridiculous speed tearing up the grass as she ran, fetch the ball and bring it back to me, tail wagging. Her excitment made me excited. I jumped around with the ball...she followed me. I gave her delicate pats on the head...she begged for more. It was beautiful. The weather, the dog, the mood. I cannot wait to go home again.

It better be raining.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Lack thereof

For once I can honestly say that my lack of blogging is due to my new and busy job. Previously, the incessant blogging was due to lack of job but now my lack of blogging is due to job...funny how that works. I am the new Captain Obvious.
My days are now filled with research on satellite-based broadband solutions, voIP, VSAT, and trying how to figure out how to pack more bandwidth for your buck. Its thrilling, really.
But on to something else, there are a flock of seagulls outside the office. Normally, I would not be shocked to see seagulls because we live in a dirty city and seagulls tend to flock to the filth but in the middle of a office complex, therein lie the seagulls. I'm afraid thats all that my pathetic little mind has to offer today.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The City That Never Sleeps

Asiankp is currently writing from the Big Apple. She decided she needed a vacation after a long 3...days on the job. Actually the trip was planned early on...yes, sometimes Asiankp does plan.
The thing about NYC is that it really never ever sleeps and neither do the people who visit. The last couple nights have lasted well into the wee hours of the morning and they involved some rather irregular tasting cider and a ridiculously brutal card game called Mao. Games named after communist dictators are never a good sign.
This trip has had several ups and downs. One of the downs, I still have not bought a pretzel from a street vendor. One of the ups would have to be seeing a preview of the new Broadway production "Curtains" starring David Hyde Pierce of "Frasier" fame. Note to all theater-philes...go see "Curtains."
Asiankp needs some shut eye but she will continue to inform you of her NY anecdotes after she has had some time to process them...and buy a pretzel. Keep your fingers crossed!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Big Conflagration

Dr. Dictionary,

Today there was a big conflagration. We all danced and sang songs. Some boys got in a fight on the playground. I demanded an entreaty and decided to act sagacious by making them both eat mud and grass. Then the teacher surreptitiously yelled and screamed and made a humongous noise. She said it was time to go so we gracefully galumphed back into class.

Confused in California

I Never Thought I Would Be...

A commuter. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being a commuter. It just has a weird connotation for me. For example, some people have a non sensical aversion to the word "home-schooled." There is nothing wrong with homeschoolers...I know several of them and they are the nearest and dearest to my heart but still, there is something about that word that makes you shrug up your shoulder and crinkle your nose. Thats how I feel about being a commuter. For the next 3 months, I will be forced to shrug up my shoulder and crinkle my nose at...myself.

Friday, March 02, 2007


So, today, I saw Batman. The original Batman. True to form, he hid behind large glasses the entire time. A mask, if you will. I did manage a feeble wave which was rewarded with slight nod from the Masked Avenger. I felt real cool until I was told not to try and make a big deal about the fact that America's hero was in the room. Oh okay, I will just treat him like a normal person.
BUT, he's not a normal person. He is a hero. He fights crime. He wears tights. He romances Catwoman. He is a superhero. I think its okay for me to be a little star struck...